Xiongying successfully passed the national high-tech certification

Hits:Updated:2020-12-17 12:12:25【Print】

Recently, Zhejiang Xiongying Kefeidi Technology Co., Ltd. successfully passed the national high-tech enterprise certification.

Zhejiang Xiongying Kefeidi Technology Co., Ltd. strictly follows the "High-tech Enterprise Recognition Management Measures" and "High-tech Enterprise Recognition Management Work Guidelines", led by the company leader Chen, and financial, technical and administrative personnel jointly form a high-tech enterprise project The group formulated the work policy of “continuously carry out research and development and the transformation of technological achievements, form the core independent intellectual property rights of the enterprise, and become a knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive enterprise.” The goal of "promoting enterprise product upgrades through research and development and optimizing business structure".

The identification process of high-tech enterprises is strict, with strict scrutiny and evaluation.
The selection conditions for the identification of high-tech enterprises are very strict. First, it must be a strategic emerging industry that the state-owned key supports. At the same time, the qualification must meet six conditions, mainly including core technology must have independent intellectual property rights, and products or services belong to the high-tech field. , The ability to transform scientific and technological achievements, R&D investment, the proportion of scientific and technological talents, growth instructions, etc. Therefore, for enterprises, the identification of high-tech enterprises is very precious.

After reporting to the National Daily News from May to June of 2020, and from July to September, the district and county science and technology bureaus and national tax inspections and recommendations, the high-tech enterprise review expert team conducted on-site audits to verify the compliance, completeness, and integrity of high-tech enterprises. The authenticity and effectiveness were reviewed and checked. Fully affirmed the research and development organization and management level of Xiongying's high-tech enterprises, and agreed to recommend it to the Ningbo High-tech Enterprise Evaluation Working Committee. After the Ningbo Municipal Evaluation Committee conducted a compliance review, compounding, and publicity of the company's high-tech management system, the company passed the review once and successfully completed the identification of high-tech enterprises.

National high-tech enterprises have great gold content

The recognition of high-tech enterprises is the state's recognition and affirmation of the company, indicating that the company has a strong sense of innovation, high market development capabilities and management level. High-tech enterprises can provide enterprises with strong qualifications in market competition and will play a major role in promoting the development of enterprises.

This time, Zhejiang Xiongying Kefeidi Technology Co., Ltd. was assessed as a national high-tech enterprise, which will further promote the company's independent innovation and independent research and development process, and it is also a milestone in the company's development history. In the future, the company will continue to uphold the concept of "pioneering and innovation" and continue to introduce high-quality talent teams to provide a fundamental guarantee for independent innovation; pay more attention to independent innovation, protect intellectual property rights, and enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise; continue to increase scientific research investment to enrich the enterprise Innovative development stamina; further strengthen the company's ability to transform scientific and technological achievements, and provide strong technical support for the sustainable and healthy development of the company.

